t - 2 months
...and counting. We've reached that point where it becomes more useful and interesting to count the time remaining to various milestones. This past Tuesday, June 27, was t - 2 months to the baby's due date. And this weekend marks t - 5 weeks till I stop working. 9 days till my next checkup. 16 vacation hours left to divvy up over the remaining workdays.
And yet, some days it still doesn't seem quite real. And as the countdown continues, there's still so much to do, much stuff to get.
The deck is coming along smashingly, thanks to some expert assistance from my step-dad to be, Steen, last weekend. Thursday night I helped V measure and cut the pieces to fill in the decking on the landing half-way down the stairs, and he's put all the outside trim back up over the new windows in front. If I can muster some energy, we'll look at the railings this weekend, but I'm not holding my breath. V's dad and step-mom are coming to town Sunday morning for a couple of days, so we'll likely be entertaining them instead.

And yet, some days it still doesn't seem quite real. And as the countdown continues, there's still so much to do, much stuff to get.

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