He gave me a really great thumb! It hooks so nicely in the corner of my mouth, just the right size when my gums hurt, and I can always find it when I need it!
You'd actually be surprised how many people 'round here that have assumed Vince had blonde hair - they only saw him in the summer when he his head was clean-shaven ;)
I grew up on the coast, and it's always felt like home. I lived in the interior for almost a decade, but a few years ago, work brought me back to the coast.
I'd forgotten how much peace I could recover, just sitting on the shore watching the waves.
Since then I've become a mom, twice, and covered a lot of ground. Gone Coastal is a place for me to post some of my many random thoughts on life and friends and faith.
I strive to write truthfully, sometimes brutally, though far from everything here is deep. Sometimes it's just sharing a moment or a thought.
Oh my goodness! People keep saying it, but it's true! They really do grow fast.
Mrs. Cowan, at 5:56 a.m.
Hard for me to believe we just clicked past the four month mark on Monday!
Coastal, at 9:26 a.m.
You'd actually be surprised how many people 'round here that have assumed Vince had blonde hair - they only saw him in the summer when he his head was clean-shaven ;)
Coastal, at 9:19 a.m.
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