Christmas again...

A little blue plus confirmed that a new life was on its way.
Seing six double yolks out of six that same morning
had us rather worried. Was this a (not so) subtle warning?

But what would you say if I told you you'll soon have one with two?
Boss, got time for coffee? I've a little something to share.
When this current project wraps up, I'll be busy elsewhere.

South end of the Yucatan, in a cabana with style.
The Bear dove while I snorkeled (sigh) in the hurricane battered reef.
But where can I find enough food 'round here to fill me for two? Good grief!

Many didn't believe it until the sneak peak pictures were
posted on the wall, with my all-time favourite among quotes.
Said Bear at the stretched out foot, "Can't be mine, it's got five toes!"

and a chance to show in person the growing evidence.
But a note came while we were gone, our rented house is on the market.
Just two weeks to close a deal? Our awesome broker hit the target!

But now that it's actually ours, there's so much work in store.
There's the deck and the windows, the furnace, the fridge, the latches and doors...
First job back then were the deck stairs, just today Bear stained two doors.
A couple more trips to the old house, hoping to sell it quick.
A new bath to appease the buyers, but finally the deal did stick.
I tried throughout gestation to stay active every day;
At the end of April (5 months plus) I waddled the T-C 10K!

"We seem to have something in common." It was time for the bellies to meet.
Later, a bump on our boxer's elbow grew too big to ignore.
Tumor removed, stitches thrice split, but the mast cells are no more.
In June for my birthday came my mom, and with her came her man.
He and the Bear framed the nursery windows beautifully as planned.
He lent some tools for the other work, like rebuilding the deck out back.
(Now they, too, have a new house to work, so his tools are back on the rack).
Our two big dogs: it soon got fun to keep them walking daily.
Amusing, I'm sure, to see them dragging me and my growing belly.
The daily routine got slower as well, and my days I had to keep short.
I worked from home as the project allowed, letting catnaps become a new sport.

A few days later I started my leave, a new role soon to be found.
Mid-August, eight days before baby is due, my mom and her man were to marry.
To stay or to go? Would the baby be born in Vancouver? or maybe the ferry?
Our neighbors, due ten days before us, shared in the waiting game.
Two days past our due date, that's twelve past theirs, came a girl, Mikaya by name.
For ten days more our little one teased - maybe today?... tomorrow?
And finally scheduled to be induced, no more time to borrow.

The acupuncturists needles placed to start some action in the joint.
By morning things were moving, in the afternoon I laboured
So, September 8th Trinity came, and the Good Lord showed us favour.

But our baby girl is growing strong, a beautiful gift all 'round.
I watch her breathe, and she breathes into me a longing to fan into fire
The creative embers, and to help her seek for her own life God's desire.
There are changes, too, for the working Bear, with his steady day job ending.
While the road ahead's uncertain now, recent winds have meant plenty of mending
Of radio towers and plenty of hours keeping the generators fed.
And building a name along the way. To new prospects he's being led.
By the time I post, it will be for most of you just into Christmas Eve.
And for some far away it is nigh Christmas Day. It is almost too much to believe
What a road we have traveled - for our friends I now marvel, God's blessings on each of you who
Held us up through the tears, in the blessings shared cheers, and allowed us to hearten you too.
I think I'm all rhymed out now, so I'll close this with our sincerest wishes for a blessed Christmas and a wondrous 2007. Here's our Christmas family photo to close - not picture perfect, but it's definitely us...

Labels: Baby Girl, Motherhood, News
Merry Christmas you guys!
Lots of Love from the soon to be three here in Kelowna.
N,J & b
Anonymous, at 12:29 p.m.
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